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Look Around Bahrain's map to find properties around you, Refine them, create a favourite's list and compare!

Absolutely Free Property listings

Sign up to Aqari app to enjoy these Free membership benefits

Discover Bahrain's Mazaya Properties

Wether you're adding a listing that qualifies for Mazaya Housing, or looking for a mazaya house, just filter the results and choose your preference

Explore All Kinds of properties and realestate

From apartments, houses, villas, buildings, compounds, offices, farms, pool houses, warehouses to shops and lands

Contact sellers and Agents directly

contact your agent or seller through Whatsapp messaging or email

Refine electricity and water bill inclusivity

go through aqari app filters to find the property which includes EWA to make the process quicker and easier

Contact your Seller & Agent Directly

Wether you're dealing with an owner or seller, or a certified realestate agent, Contact them directly from the property information found on Aqari app.

Explore more of Aqari's benefits

request these services through aqari app account page

Request realestate valuation

Contact us to request a realestate valuation from our certified Professional Real Estate Valuer

Request Property Management

get your property fully managed from collecting rent to dealing with fixing and security through our realestate property management team

Request Property Contract

get your real estate contract now from our partner law corporation

Easy Property Search Around Bahrain

Use the map’s current location to explore different properties around you.

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Detailed Property Features

Sell Directly with zero Commission

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Bahrain’s first ZERO commission, Ad FREE property map search app. Search Across Bahrain’s map. Use the map’s current location to explore different properties around you.